There is a high prospect that your dental work could be highly toxic. This is particularly for those who have dental fillings. This is a concern that has been around far too long, and at the moment holistic dentists are trying to make patients realize the danger that these procedures put them in. It is always a good thing to ensure that you get a proper understanding of some of the procedures that you will be going through from time to time, so that when you are meeting your dentist, at least you do appreciate some of the work that is being done on you, and understand why.

The FDA has been under serious challenges in the past, as recent as July 2014, when dentists and a group of other scientists filed a lawsuit to the fact that the agency had not been straightforward in dealing with the challenge that metal fillings pose to the health of the patients. Of special emphasis was the fact that the material used in filling actually has hazardous mercury, and this puts both the life of the patient and the dentist at risk.

There are a number of nations that have actually banned the use of mercury in dental fillings, because of the fact that it was proven to be toxic. The problem now is that this procedure and materials are still being used by some dentists in the US, which poses challenges and brings up serious questions as to whether the relevant watchdogs in the industry are really keen on protecting the interests of the patients or not.

Mercury free dentists, like the dentist San Diego trusts (Dr. Woods), have been raising issues on why the use of mercury in fillings is still allowed in the US, when it has already been banned in other countries. Following the law suit that was filed against the FDA by the group of scientists, the allegations is that the patients who are more vulnerable in the country, are actually the ones who are getting more fillings than anyone else for that matter. Based on their research, they indicate that the most affected by this scenario are the low income families, military members and prisoners. These are individuals who actually depend on the healthcare system that is run by the government, or some of the other low cost clinics available around them. The only challenge is that this system is normally imperfect.

For more than 150 years amalgam has been in use, especially because of its durable nature. However, there are other choices that will make your teeth look better and also help you stay healthy. This is one of the other reasons why holistic dentistry is a brilliant idea. When you come to think about it, it is even an economic concern to a lot of people, using amalgams. Sadly, because of its affordability, there are people and insurance companies that insist on this being done instead of a safer alternative like composite.

mold remediation techniciansThe key to preventing mold growth is controlling moisture, and the best way to do this is to fix water problems and dry water damaged areas thoroughly.  Mold is a useful part of the environment… outdoors where it works to break down dead organic matter like leaves.  Indoors, however, it can cause damage and health problems if the spores land on a damp surface and begin to grow.

All molds can produce allergic reactions, while some varieties, known as toxic mold, can produce mycotoxins, which can cause respiratory symptoms, skin irritation, and headaches.  Mold can also be destructive to the surfaces it grows on.

The best way to manage mold is to prevent the damp conditions that facilitate its growth.  That can be easier said than done, however, if you have a hidden moisture problem, such as a plumbing issues or leaks within the walls.

If you find that you have mold growing in your home, it is vital that you identify and remediate the moisture problem along with cleaning up the mold.  Cleaning up mold without fixing the moisture problem will only allow mold to regrow.

If the mold covers a large area, more than about 10 square feet, or if the mold is the result of extensive water damage or damage by sewage or contaminated water, you may need to consult with a professional contractor.  Consult the EPA’s Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings and make sure the guidelines are followed, whether you are doing the work yourself or you hire someone.

If you decide to clean up the mold yourself, keep the following in mind:

  • Use protective gear including respirator, gloves, and goggles to avoid exposing yourself to mold and toxins.
  • Mold doesn’t grow without moisture, so if you have mold, you have moisture. Be sure to identify and fix the moisture problem, or all other efforts will be wasted, as mold will regrow.  If the mold is in the bathroom or other damp area and regrows after being cleaned up, you may need to improve your ventilation.
  • Scrub mold from hard surfaces with bleach (if it will not damage the surface) or detergent and water and allow to dry thoroughly.
  • Absorbent materials may need to be discarded as it can be difficult, and in some cases impossible, to remove.
  • If mold has stained an item that is valuable or sentimental, it may be wise to consult a specialist to find out how best to clean it so you don’t do further damage.

Preventing mold from starting to grow is much easier than trying to kill it and get rid of it after it takes over.  Keep indoor humidity low and prevent moisture from accumulating.  Take care of leaks, spills, or condensation quickly.

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cracked tooth sketchChipped teeth are so common that odds are if you don’t have one yourself, you know someone else who does. There are many ways a person can chip a tooth, and some people have multiple chipped teeth each with different causes. Here are some of the most common causes of chipped teeth and what you can do to protect yourself from each:

Falling: This is one of the most common causes of chipped teeth in children.  Some of them are small children, just learning to toddle around on two legs, or children running around and not watching where they’re going.  Sometimes a child will chip their baby teeth, which will obviously be replaced in a few years.  Other times, it will be an older child with their adult teeth, which is a bit more problematic.  Short of wrapping your kid in bubble wrap, there isn’t a whole lot you can do about this.

Sports: Many contact sports require players to wear mouth guards, and with good reason.  Even sports that aren’t generally thought of as contact sports can lead to chipped teeth.  Any time you have a ball flying at high speed, whether you’re talking about full contact sports like hockey and football, or sports that don’t involve any actual contact between players, such as tennis and baseball, there is a potential for chipped teeth.  Staying aware of the ball as well as other players at all times won’t completely prevent injury, but will lower your risk.

Biting hard objects:  It can happen when you bite into an apple, crunching a hard candy, or even biting into crusty bread.  When a chipped tooth is caused by biting into food, the chipped portion is often swallowed, and the person may not realize the damage has been done until later.  If your teeth are weak or soft, avoid hard or tough foods.  Even if your teeth are healthy and strong, you should still avoid chewing or biting non food items or using your teeth to untie knots or open containers.

Sometimes, despite every effort you may make to protect your teeth, things happen and you chip a tooth anyway.  If it happens to you, call your dentist as soon as possible.  Modern dental technology provides a number of options for repairing the chipped tooth and restoring your smile.

More about tooth restorations at

interactive botox training materialsMost people associate Botox with wrinkle removals for a younger, fresher appearance for individuals.

But how many know that Botox has helped many patients with a variety of medical situations?  Botox, a purified botulinum toxin A causes paralyzing effects and numbing of nerves.  This is actually a benefit for people suffering from a number of medical problems. Note: make sure to check that your Botox provider is properly trained (medical professionals see this Botox Training Program by Dentox)


Anyone who suffers from migraine headaches no it’s no laughing matter and far more severe then a normal headache.  People who suffer from migraines can spend days in a dark room, can barely standup and in many cases cannot eat.  Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2012, found Botox a benefit for people suffering from migraines as well as other headaches.  An injection of Botox on the top of a patient’s head can reduce migraine occurrences.


Multiple Sclerosis:


MS is one of the most painful and debilitating diseases a patient can suffer from.  There is no known cure for this disease and someone who has MS will lose the ability of movement rather quickly.  Botox can remove the painful onslaught of MS, allowing the patient  control over of their joints.


Overactive Bladder:


This symptom seems to affect women in their forties, which is approximately 20%.  This  urinary malfunction causes frequent urination along with wetting accidents and waking up quite often through the night.   A study in the journal European Urology discovered injecting Botox in the bladder wall is an effective way of treating this condition.


Excessive Sweating:


Known as  hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands are not able to switch off because of a mixed signal coming from the brain.  Botox can block these signals in order to stop the excessive flow of sweat.  The injections are given to the affected areas such as hands, feet, face or armpits.


Other Uses For Botox:


Bell’s palsy which causes the drooping of one’s face due to nerve damage  Botox can tighten the relaxed muscles.  Helps with tremors from a nerve disorder such as eye twitching by relieving the spasms for several months.


There are many other uses for Botox in treating many medical situations and further studies are being conducted to see what else Botox might be used for.


More about Botox and aesthetics at:

Holistic San Diego Dentist Dr Vinograd

by Holistic Dentist, Dr. Daniel Vinograd

This may seem like a ridiculous question, but bear with us – there is actually a lot more to this than would initially meet the eye. Toothpastes that you buy from your local store are not dangerous in the way that a chain saw is, and they are not dangerous in the way that a fire is, but they certainly cause a huge amount of damage internally, where you cannot see it. That is because almost all toothpastes will contain chemicals in their ingredient lists that definitely should not be there: from pesticides to carcinogens, toothpastes really do contain them all.

This may sound a little far fetched, but just take a little look at your toothpaste’s ingredients list. The trouble is that many people do not understand what the chemical names actually mean, but a little research will definitely shock you. If you see triclosan, then you are brushing your teeth with toothpaste containing a pesticide. If you see diethanolamine, then you are brushing your teeth with toothpaste containing a chemical that has been proven to form cancer. If you see propylene glycol, then you are brushing your teeth with toothpaste that contains the same chemicals found in antifreeze . . . and unfortunately, the list goes on.

These toothpastes are dangerous. You may only consume a small amount of your toothpaste every day, but if you are brushing your teeth twice a day, every day, that soon adds up. The reason that we brush our teeth is to keep them healthy, and yet in the process we are accidentally poisoning ourselves! Take action now, and start to make your own toothpaste at home. It is really simple to do, and then you can be easy that there are no nasty, dangerous, and poisonous chemicals in your toothpaste.

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Dr Daniel Holistic DentistIt’s important to stay healthy, no one would dispute that. But a problem arises when there are many conflicting recommendations vying for attention and trying to tell us what health is and what is needed to maintain good health. Some say daily exercise, others say less often is sufficient. Some say juicing will lead to great health, while others say it’s a waste of time. One year, eggs are high in cholesterol and we shouldn’t eat them more than a couple of times a week, the next year, eggs are super healthy and we should eat them several times a week, if not daily. Is coffee good for you, or does it cause jitters and insomnia? Is chocolate good or bad? All of these suggestions and so many more are confusing at best. Holistic dentists recognize the information overload concerning health, and that’s why they practice, so help people get and stay as healthy as they can be.

It seems strange to think of dentists as having a handle on, much less focusing on, physical health, until you understand the philosophy behind holistic dentistry.  Many medical professionals see the body as a set of parts, and they each tend to focus on the part of the body in which they specialize, almost to the point of ignoring the rest, and the same is true for many dentists, who see the teeth as separate from the rest of the body.  In contrasts, holistic dentists see the mouth as just one part of the body, inseparable.  Oral health both influences and is influenced by the health of the rest of the body’s systems.  A dentist who follows holistic thinking can tell by your teeth, tongue, gums, and throat if your diet has changed.  He can also tell if you are at risk of conditions such as heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, often before you have symptoms that would lead your doctor to detect these things.

If you are interested in protecting your overall health as well as your oral health, then perhaps it is time to make an appointment with a holistic dentist.  You will be asked about your diet, your exercise routines, and many other aspects of your overall health and lifestyle.  Be honest, the holistic dentist will be able to help you develop a deeper understanding of how well you are really doing.

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holistic dental symbolIf you have silver amalgam fillings and you recently learned that they are made primarily of mercury, you may be concerned, and rightly so. Mercury has been known to be highly poisonous for many years, with even small amounts able to cause such effects as hearing loss, loss of your senses of taste and smell, confusion, swelling, peripheral neuropathy, and skin changes. At higher amounts, mercury can even be fatal, a particularly disturbing thought for people who have many mercury fillings or have had mercury fillings for many years. Modern dentistry has developed a number of mercury-free, completely safe alternatives to mercury fillings, and approximately half of dentists in the US have abandoned the use of mercury fillings. This is great, but what the mercury fillings you already have?

Fortunately, dental advances aren’t limited to developing mercury-free filling materials.  Dentists have also worked to develop filling removal practices that keep excess exposure to the substance to an absolute minimum.  Many thought this would never be entirely possible, because removing fillings involves breaking them up, and simply brushing teeth with mercury fillings causes the filling to release surprising quantities of the toxin.  It was thought, with good reason, that accidentally swallowing a chunk of a filling could cause mercury poisoning, not to mention swallowing and inhaling the vapor released through the process.  But dentists dedicated to helping people with mercury fillings have developed ways to safely remove mercury fillings without placing you at risk of excessive exposure.

If you are worried about your mercury fillings, now is the time to act.  The sooner you discuss the matter with your dentist, the sooner you can have it removed and replaced with a safer material.  Very soon, you will start to notice a change in your health.


Sliding Closet Doors in LAThe custom sliding closet door is not something new in the sphere of design interior. What is more, this trend has become so widely used in both residential and commercial places, that there is left only to wonder how designers are still managing to think of new and more original ways to interpret simple sliding closet doors.

1)    Custom sliding closet doors is a great choice for you when you simply need to save space and visually expand a room. Carefully chosen glass material can do miracles.

2)    Sliding doors can be used to serve several purposes. On the one hand, they can be used for the original and main purpose, which is to hide all your private stuff from the curious eyes of your visitors. On the other hand, an original designer approach can make it simply divide space in a room. Such a functional trick can transform a place in no time, leaving you time and space for creativity.

3)    An endless number of sliding doors in one closet give it more functionality and good access to everything that you store there with minimum efforts. No matter how long or multi-sectioned your closet is, there is always a way to make it comfortable with well-chosen custom sliding closet doors.


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Barn Style DoorIncreasingly often lots of people are wondering how to create sliding barn doors on their own. The point is that such an approach can save you lots of money and bring more fun and enjoyment into your everyday life.

On the one hand, it also means that it will not be necessary to build another frame on your newly painted wall. On the other hand, this way it will be much easier for you to fit in a new door without ripping open the wall. Then, another thing you can take advantage of is that DIY stores offer the full spectrum of materials such as all types of mounting hardware for your sliding barn doors endeavor.

Of course, the process of door construction takes some time and efforts, therefore, it is better to divide it into several steps. This way you will not mix anything up and know for sure you are on the right track towards building your sliding barn doors.

  1. Taking right measurements

This step is by far the most important one in the entire process of sliding door construction. The point is that unless you take the exact measurements, your 2-days-work can go down the drain. As it is the worst thing to imagine, let’s get the right measurements and the explanation how to take it. Measure the width of your door and multiply it by 2. These will be the measurements of the hardware kit you need to order. Mind that the width should be measured from the outside edges of the casting.

  1. Integral parts of a DIY sliding barn doors

It goes without saying that to build any doors you will need a number of materials and tools to accomplish the project successfully. In case with the sliding barn doors, you will need the following: pine boards for the back, strappings for blocking, pine for the filler strips, pallet boards, cedar for face frame, pine for the mounting rail.

The number of the constituent parts necessary for the doors will naturally vary depending on the size of the sliding doors you need and, in fact, the opening you need to cover.

  1. Putting the “ingredients” together

Naturally, if you already have everything necessary to build sliding barn doors, it is the time for assembling the parts into something bigger that later will serve you as perfect DIY doors. Count the number of pine boards necessary to cover your opening and put them together. It may happen that you will need to slit the boards to width. Anyways, having measured the door casting from the bottom to the top, shorten them by 1/2 inch with a miter saw. Make sure that the blocks are placed along, well-clinched together. Then just use a bit longer strapping and out it at the top and bottom, screw everything together. The last thing you should do is to get rid of the clamps.

  1. Time for filler strips

It is the stage when you sliding barn doors will become doors more than a random square piece of wood. After cutting all the filler strips you need, just stick them together and top, middle, and bottom with a rail flush. It is also a good idea to leave an about 1-inch space below for the floor guide. Then, screw every strip.

  1. The chevron stage

Now we are about to cut the chevrons for our sliding barn doors. To do this, we need to cut our pallet boards using a miler saw. Mind that it is necessary to set the saw to 45 degrees. Then just put two similarly cut pallet boards together so that they make a visual arrow. Simply get rid of the extra length of each board by cutting their length. Do the same with other chevrons.

In case some corners do not fit, just cut them with a miter saw to fill the doors with pallet arrows.  After the cutting and fitting job is done, it is time for adhesives. Apply special adhesive glue to the undersides of the boards, put back and press a bit.

  1. Holes and frames

After the major work is done, the next step is to drill the pocket holes at the end of a rail. After that, there comes the framing stage. You can put the frame together simply by putting glue on the rails. Then, screw the stiles on the edge and get rid of the bar clamps.

  1. The last frame

It is almost the last stage before your sliding barn doors are ready. It means that you will need to use an adhesive to glue the face frame to the main construction. Fit it as carefully as it is possible and align with the edges. The finishing touch is to rub the door with 100-grit paper, cotton rag and paste wax.

  1. Installing the sliding barn doors

The next step is to screw up the rollers to the frame. Carefully measure the locations and then drill the holes into the edge. After that, it will be easy to screw the hardware into the holes and adjust the rollers.

Now it is high time to prepare the place for hanging your newly-created door to the wall. Therefore, you need to out the framing above the head casting. Measure everything to locate it right, drill the holes above the casting and add several deck screws.

  1. Now it is time for installing the track and fixing the door

Take the mounting board, measure and mark two spots there as well as mark the place for lag bolts there and drill the holes in the indicated places. Screw everything and tighten as much as you can.

The next step is to put the doorstops at both ends and roll the door on. It is finished. Good luck in your endeavor.


Botox Course in Los Angeles

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It can be difficult sometimes to overcome a deeply held belief about something, especially when it is a professional belief that has been created over a long period of time. Forty years ago, when Botox really start to reach its initial height of popularity, it was difficult to prevent anyone – especially in Hollywood – from trying out the new cosmetic craze, and as so many of the Botox practitioners really had no idea what they were doing, it was very easy to see exactly who had braved the needle and who had not. Much of the medical community’s distrust of Botox comes from that time, and it can be difficult to persuade dentists that anything has much changed – until now.

Dr Howard Katz, a well respected dentist in his field, has dedicated his career to ensuring that patients will always be able to receive Botox from a trained medical professional. As dentists share a huge amount of knowledge and skills with Botox injectors (from needle usage to mixing up chemicals, to understanding the face to understanding chemical reactions), Dr Howard Katz considers them the very best people to offer Botox to patients, and has worked to remove prejudices from the practice all his life. His training program Dentox has been designed with this in mind: a one day training course that takes an already trained dentist through everything that they would need to know in order to administer a Botox injection.

Dentists who live in the Los Angeles area can now book a place on the next Dentox course to visit the area, and start to remove the prejudices which may have prevented them from becoming interested in the practice before. Now is the time to book your slot, and expand your medical horizons into the area of Botox.

It is very easy when you have spent years, if not decades, training in one particular kind of medical discipline to look down your nose at all of the others – after all, a little bit of loyalty never did anyone any harm! And so surgeons look down on paediatrics, paediatrics look down at psychologists, and psychologists look down on almost everyone. When it comes to it, dentists are really no different, and one of the key prejudices that you will find in almost every single dental practice up and down the country is the prejudice against cosmetic surgery, and Botox in particular. So why is this, and why are leading experts encouraging dentists to set aside their prejudices?

Botox Training Class in New York

Some believe that it is because dentists spend so much time around the face and mouth that they consider it to be ‘their turf’: something that Botox administrators should leave alone to them, the qualified dentists. However, this line of argument would only work if dentists were willing to take up the challenge of administering Botox, like Dr Howard Katz has done. A leading dentist, he has created a training course entitled Dentox which gives dentists the skills to offer Botox to their patients, ensuring that they receive the cosmetic injections in a safe medical environment with a truly qualified individual.

By ignoring their own prejudices, dentists could really start to make a difference to the world of Botox if they just started to get involved. If you can’t beat them, join them. The Dentox program is coming to New York in the next few weeks, and this one day course is certainly worth taking, even if you are just interested in learning more about the ways that Botox can be used for patients and their wellbeing. Are you ready to learn a little more about Botox?

Course Information:

Pain from wisdom tooth removal

As a right of passage that indicates growth and maturity, one begins to develop those painful signs and symptoms associated with the eruption of wisdom teeth in one’s mouth.  Wisdom teeth begin to make their unwanted appearance right during the most important and impressionable time in one’s life:  the teen years.  Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt through the gums, and in doing such usually make their appearance in the late teen years and in some cases even in the early twenties.  There are four wisdom teeth that painfully erupt through the gums; one located on each side of the mouth, both left and right; as well as top and bottom of the mouth.  These wisdom teeth make their appearance known as they create pain, redness, tenderness and irritability in those who must deal with this life experience.  When this occurs, one wonders what can be done to make this experience less painful?  Well, as an answer to this question there are a few methods that have been discussed by many who have gone through this same experience, and have determined that there is a way to ease the pain.

There are many ways to ease the pain associated with wisdom teeth.  Each of these recommendations are just that; they are recommendations and the results will vary based on the individual.  Some of these pain relief suggestions may have a varying degree of benefits based on the specific individual.  Therefore, try what works for you specifically in order to receive the best pain relief.  The first recommendation from Colgate Oral Care Center is to prepare a mouth rinse that will help provide some pain relief.  It is described as mixing one cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt.  The next step is to stir the salt in the warm water until it is a dissolved mixture.  At this point, treat the solution just like a mouth rinse, and take a sip of it and move it around in your mouth for about a minute and then spit the solution out.  Do not swallow the solution.  As described this solution is recommended to help relieve pain associated with wisdom teeth eruption.  The above recommendation can be repeated as needed for pain relief.

Another well known remedy that has been around for years to aid in the wisdom teeth eruption pain is benzocaine.  Benzocaine numbs the area that is tender and makes a huge impact when one’s gums are throbbing in pain from the wisdom teeth trying to make their appearance in a crowded area.  Thus, it is recommended to rub a little bit of the benzocaine onto the area that is painful, red, and swollen; and at this time one should receive some temporary relief.  There are a variety of over the counter preparations of benzocaine that can be purchased and used for this specific reason.

One remedy that has been used for many years, but is less heard of in the mainstream society is the use of Cloves and Clove Oil as a method and means of pain relief during eruption of wisdom teeth.  Not only does the Colgate Oral Care Center identify this as a method of pain relief, but also the Mayo Clinic identifies this as a natural way to remedy pain associated with wisdom teeth.  Basically the instructions are to take a full, intact clove and put it in the back of your mouth to the area where the wisdom teeth are erupting and place it in that specific area until you notice a tingling or natural numbing sensation.  At that point you will basically notice a numbing sensation, like you would experience with the benzocaine.  Doing so will provide temporary relief from the pain associated with your wisdom teeth.  The same thing can be done by using clove oil and placing a small amount of oil on the affected area can also provide some pain relief.

Finally, one can always remember over the counter pain medication in order to provide relief from this type of pain.  Pain relievers such as Ibuprofen also known as Motrin can provide such relief.  Other pain relievers can also provide relief but may require a prescription from your physician.

While each of these remedies do offer temporary pain relief, it is essential to remember that is what their intention is for:  to relieve the pain enough until you can seek medical attention from a dentist.  It is imperative to be checked by a dentist in order to determine if your wisdom teeth need to be extracted or if they need to be surgically removed.  This decision is an important one that needs to be a discussion between you and your dentist.  Don’t forget to take your pain seriously and see a dentist that will collaborate a treatment plan specifically to your needs.

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